IELTS Listening Practice Test
Mass Stranding Of Whales And Dolphins
Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins
Mass strandings: situations where groups of whales, dolphins, etc. swim onto the beach and die
Common in areas where the can change quickly
tide/tidesSeveral other theories:
e.g. some parasites can affect marine animals’ , which they depend on for navigation
Poisons from or are commonly consumed by whales
plants and animals/plants and fish/plants and fishese.g. Cape Cod (1988) – whales were killed by saxitoxin
Accidental Strandings
Animals may follow prey ashore, e.g. Thurston (1995)
Unlikely because the majority of animals were not when they stranded
feedingHuman Activity
from military tests are linked to some recent strandings
noise/noisesThe Bahamas (2000) stranding was unusual because the whales
were all
6healthywere not in a
Group Behaviour
More standings in the most
species of whales8social1994 dolphin stranding – only the
was ill9leader
Further Reading
Marine Mammals Ashore (Connor) – gives information about stranding
network/networksĐÁP ÁN & GIẢI THÍCH CÂU 1
Giải thích chi tiết
Xác định loại từ cần điền: Noun (cái gì có thể thay đổi quickly)
Sau khi nghe cụm " most often, die in what are known as 'mass strandings'.
>> Giới thiệu về mass stranding là gì >> Đáp án chuẩn bị vô.
Bạn nghe "this type of event is a frequent occurrence in some of the locations....where sometimes the tide goes out suddenly, confusing the animals."
>> Xuất hiện thường xuyên (frequent occurrence) ở những nơi tide cuốn ra bờ bất chợt (goes out suddenly)
>> Từ cần điền là tide.
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