Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted - topic Pollution

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample topic Pollution (chủ đề Ô nhiễm): Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted, có dàn ý kèm từ vựng, Free download PDF...

🚀 Đề bài

Sau đây là một số từ vựng thông dụng cho chủ đề Pollution trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

😵 Dàn ý

Insert Statement here...
A few years back, I visited Hanoi, which was notorious for its air pollution.
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Summer, air quality is at its worst
Idea 2
Air quality
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Thick with smog
  • viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Mixture of smoke, dust, and exhaust fumes
  • viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • I could barely see the cityscape, and
  • viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • My eyes and throat felt irritated
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
Major health concern
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Difficult to breathe
  • viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Worried about the long-term effects on my lungs
Idea 2
A gloomy pall over the city
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Hard to appreciate the sights
  • viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
  • Left a sour taste in my mouth

📝 Bài mẫu

Cùng tham khảo bài mẫu câu hỏi Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted - Sample Speaking IELTS part 2 dưới đây nhé!

A few years back, I visited Hanoi, which was

for its air pollution. I can't recall the exact time, but it was during summer, when the air quality is typically at its worst. The air was thick with
, a hazy mixture of smoke, dust, and
exhaust fumes
from the countless vehicles. It was so bad that I could barely see the
, and my eyes and
after just a short time outdoors.

I have to say, the experience was far from pleasant. First and foremost, it was a major health concern. The

air made it difficult to breathe, and I constantly worried about the long-term effects on my
. Secondly, the pollution cast a gloomy
over the entire city. It was hard to appreciate the sights and sounds when I was constantly battling a cough and watery eyes. Overall, while the city had its charms, the air pollution
left a sour taste in my mouth
. It served as a stark reminder of the environmental challenges facing many urban areas around the world.

(180 words)

📚 Vocabulary

Sau đây là một số từ vựng thông dụng cho chủ đề Pollution trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2.

(adj). khét tiếng
(noun). sương khói
exhaust fumes
/ɪɡˈzɔːst fjuːmz/
(noun). khí thải
(noun). cảnh quan thành phố
(noun). cổ họng
(adj). bị kích ứng
(adj). độc hại
(noun). phổi
(noun). màn, lớp phủ u ám
leave a sour taste in my mouth
/liːv ə ˈsaʊə(r) teɪst ɪn maɪ maʊθ/
(verb). để lại ấn tượng xấu, cảm giác khó chịu

✨ Bài tập Exercise

Mình cùng làm 2 bài tập sau đây để ôn lại các từ vựng và cấu trúc đã được dùng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking nhé!

QUIZ 1/5

The city's skyline was often obscured by a thick _________ of dust. The burning hot chicken rom the traffic left a _________ in my mouth


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The city's air pollution problem is mainly caused by vehicle _________.

Frequent smokes often suffer from ________ cancer.

The _________ fumes from the industrial site is taking a toll on the well-being of the locals.

Adolf Hitler was _______ for the Holocaust.

Cập nhật các chủ đề mới speaking part 2.

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