Describe a countryside area that you like - topic Countryside

IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Countryside (chủ đề Nông thôn): Describe a countryside area that you like.

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Insert Statement here...
Speaking of a rural area in Vietnam that I love, it would definitely be my hometown.
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence
Where it is & How you knew about it
Idea 1
I was born in a remote village far away from cities => small, it has nothing to complain about
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Idea 2
Whenever anyone needs help, all the neighbors are willing to lend him a hand
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Idea 3
Despite the lack of facilities, the scenery around the village is something that this place boasts
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence
What is special about it & why you are interested in it
Idea 1
Specialties: “Banh Dap”
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Idea 2
My hometown has changed quite a lot with the advent of factories and new houses in the region
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Idea 3
The nature of local people here remains unchanged as they are still courteous and warm-hearted
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
When I turned 18, I left this village for big cities, but in the near future, I will come back here and settle down in my hometown. => because my village has been a part of my soul for all my life until now and it will always be.
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📝 Bài mẫu

Xem trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking dành cho chủ đề Countryside.

Speaking of a rural area in Vietnam that I love, it would definitely be my hometown.

Truth be told, I was born in a

remote village
far away from cities. Although it is small, it has nothing to complain about. Indeed, as for the people there, they are
as well as kind to everyone around them. Whenever anyone needs help, all the neighbors are willing to lend him a hand, especially on some
special occasions
or weddings. With regard to facilities and sceneries, despite the lack of facilities which really put people in difficult situations sometimes, the scenery around the village is something that this place
. Truly speaking, it is surrounded by
ranges of green mountains
and there is a huge waterfall crashing down into a river
to the village, which creates a
breathtaking view
for any visitor. When it comes to
, my village is famous for its “Banh Dap”, a traditional cake made from rice and honey, and such a great combination of ingredients really generates a palatable snack.

Recently, my hometown has changed quite a lot with the advent of factories and new houses in the region. However, the nature of local people here remains unchanged as they are still

. When I turned 18, I left this village for big cities, but in the near future, I will come back here and settle down in my hometown. This is simply because my village has been a part of my soul for all my life until now and it will always be.

(263 words)

📚 Vocabulary

To have nothing to complain about
/tuː hæv ˈnʌθɪŋ tuː kəmˈpleɪn əˈbaʊt/
(verb). Không có gì phải phàn nàn
To be willing to lend him a hand
/tuː biː ˈwɪlɪŋ tuː lɛnd hɪm ə hænd/
(verb). Sẵn lòng giúp đỡ anh ấy
With regard to something
/wɪð rɪˈgɑːd tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). Về khía cạnh/vấn đề gì đó
The lack of something
/ðə læk ɒv ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). Sự thiếu hụt cái gì đó
Put people in difficult situations
/pʊt ˈpiːpl ɪn ˈdɪfɪkəlt ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃənz/
(verb). Đưa mọi người vào tình huống khó khăn
The advent of factories
/ði ˈædvənt ɒv ˈfæktəriz/
(verb). Sự xuất hiện của các nhà máy
To remain unchanged
/tuː rɪˈmeɪn ʌnˈʧeɪnʤd/
(verb). Không thay đổi
To leave this village for big cities
/tuː liːv ðɪs ˈvɪlɪʤ fɔː bɪg ˈsɪtiz/
(verb). Rời ngôi làng này để đến các thành phố lớn
To settle down
/tuː ˈsɛtl daʊn/
(verb). Định cư
To be a part of my soul
/tuː biː ə pɑːt ɒv maɪ səʊl/
(verb). Là một phần của tâm hồn của tôi

✨ Bài tập Exercise

Mình cùng làm 2 bài tập sau đây để ôn lại các từ vựng và cấu trúc đã được dùng trong chủ đề Countryside IELTS speaking part 2 Sample nhé!

Exercise 1:

QUIZ 1/7

Which is the synonym for 'hospitable'?


0% chọn


0% chọn


0% chọn

What does 'adjacent to something' mean?

Which is the synonym for 'breathtaking'?

Which is the synonym for 'courteous'?

Which is the synonym for 'warm-hearted'?

Which is the synonym for 'To boast'?

The lack ____ tourist attractions has made the place less appealing to visitors.

Xem lại bài mẫu Speaking part 1 topic Countryside và ôn luyện từ vựng nữa nhé!

Exercise 2:

1 Người dân ở đó rất hiếu khách đến nỗi một người lạ sẵn sàng giúp bạn một tay nếu bạn gặp rắc rối.

=> People there are so hospitable that a stranger would be

were you to get into trouble.


2 Việc thiếu cơ sở vật chất có thể khiến mọi người rơi vào tình cảnh khó khăn.

=> The lack of facilities could



3 Sự xuất hiện của các nhà máy đã thay đổi cơ bản diện mạo của khu vực này.


has fundamentally changed how the area look.


4 Sau ngần ấy năm, khung cảnh mà tôi nhìn ra từ cửa sổ phòng mình vẫn không thay đổi.

=> After all those years, the view at which I gaze out from my room's window



5 Sau khi nghỉ hưu, tôi muốn định cư ở vùng quê của chính mình

=> After my retirement, I would love to

in my own countryside


6 Không đời nào tôi có thể quên được nơi này vì nó đã là một phần trong tâm hồn tôi.

=> There's no way I would forget this place since it



7 Khi những người trẻ trong làng lớn hơn, họ khao khát rời làng đến các thành phố lớn.

=> As young people in the village get older, they aspire to


💡 Gợi ý

has been a part of my soul

willing to lend you a hand

The advent of factories

put people in difficult situations

settle down

leave the village for big cities

remained unchanged

Những chủ đề thông dụng part 2 đừng nên bỏ qua!

💡 Lời kết

Sau Sample vừa rồi, DOL mong các bạn không chỉ nắm được cách trả lời cho câu hỏi Speaking Part 2 chủ đề People, mà còn học được một vài từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc hay để có thể sử dụng sau này khi đi thi IELTS hoặc ngay cả khi giao tiếp ngoài đời nhé! DOL chúc các bạn học tốt smiley26

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