Describe your favorite weather - topic Weather

IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Weather (chủ đề Thời tiết): Describe your favorite weather.

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Insert Statement here...
The kind of weather that I have the fondest memory with is when it’s snowing
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence
When this weather usually occurs? & What you usually do during this weather?
Idea 1
I experienced it for the first time around 3 - 4 years ago => late February if I remember correctly
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Idea 2
One very cold night, when I was having a glass of wine and looked up, it was snowing
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Idea 3
So overwhelmed with joy => It may sound very cliched but I really twirled round and round
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence
Explain how this weather affects you? & explain why you like this type of weather.
Idea 1
There are certain things I hated about snow: mind-numbingly cold; the streets are so muddy and slippery
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Idea 2
There are also so many things to adore about that weather: love waking up in the middle of the night to see everything covered with a blanket of fresh snow; can’t forget the feeling of walking under heavy snowfall and having strong liquor in my veins
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
I have come back to a tropical country that is Vietnam, I miss the snow a lot, but I think it’s not only the weather that I miss, but also the memories of younger days.
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📝 Bài mẫu

Xem thử ngay bài mẫu IELTS Speaking chủ đề Describe a kind of weather you like được trình bày sau đây!

I don’t have a particular favorite kind of weather, it really depends on my mood, but if I have to pick then the kind of weather that I have the

fondest memory
with is when it’s snowing.

I experienced it for the first time around 3 - 4 years ago, when I first moved to Denmark. It was late February if I remember correctly. My roommate told me that I arrived kinda too late for snow, and that I have to wait until next winter. But then one very cold night, when I was having a glass of wine in my backyard, I suddenly noticed that there were some white

in my glass. At first, I even thought that it was my
, but when I looked up, it was snowing. I was so overwhelmed with joy I almost threw the glass away. It may sound very
but I really twirled round and round, with my mouth wide open, and of course when the snow was
enough, I even laid down and made a snow angel. It was wonderful.

Honestly speaking, of course there are certain things I hated about snow. It is mind-numbingly cold when it snows, and in my city it even reached -25 degrees. Not to mention the streets are so

muddy and slippery
when the snow melts, and I stopped keeping track of how many times I slipped and fell on my butt. But then again, there are also so many things to
about that weather. I just love waking up in the middle of the night to see everything covered with
a blanket of fresh snow
. It felt so
, and I’d even be careful not to make any noise because I was afraid that just
the slightest movement
would ruin that moment. And not to romanticize
, but I also can’t forget the feeling of walking under
heavy snowfall
and having strong liquor in my veins, it felt like I'm a firefly radiating heat and drifting through an ocean of white, it is something I think every adult should try once in their lives.

Now that I have come back to a tropical country that is Vietnam, I miss the snow a lot, but I think it’s not only the weather that I miss, but also the memories of younger days.

(390 words)

📚 Vocabulary

to be overwhelmed with something
/tu bi ˌoʊvərˈwɛlmd wɪð ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(adj). bị áp đảo bởi một thứ gì đó
to twirl round and round
/tu twɜrl raʊnd ænd raʊnd/
(verb). xoay vòng vòng
To lay down and make a snow angel
/tu leɪ daʊn ænd meɪk ə snoʊ ˈeɪnʤəl/
(verb). nằm xuống tuyết rồi dang tay dang chân để làm ra hình thiên thần
To be mind-numbingly cold
/tu bi maɪnd-ˈnʌmɪŋli koʊld/
(adj). lạnh đến độ tê não
To keep track of something
/tu kip træk ʌv ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). theo dõi một cái gì đó
To slip and fall on one's butt
/tu slɪp ænd fɔl ɑn wʌnz bʌt/
(verb). trượt té dập mông
To ruin a moment
/tu ˈruən ə ˈmoʊmənt/
(verb). phá hủy một khoảnh khắc nào đó
To romanticize something
/tu roʊˈmæntəˌsaɪz ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). lãng mạn hóa một vấn đề nào đó
To have strong liquor in one's veins
/tu hæv strɔŋ ˈlɪkə ɪn wʌnz veɪnz/
(adj). có rượu mạnh trong người
To radiate heat
/tu ˈreɪdiət hit/
(verb). tỏa ra hơi nóng
To drift through something
/tu drɪft θru ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). lướt trôi qua một thứ gì đó

✨ Bài tập Exercise

Mình cùng làm 2 bài tập sau đây để ôn lại các từ vựng và cấu trúc đã được dùng trong bài Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Describe your favorite weather nhé!

Exercise 1:

Điền các từ/cụm từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống


Cử động nhỏ nhất

=> The



Kỉ niệm đẹp nhất, thân thương nhất

=> The



Những miếng vảy nhỏ








Sáo rỗng, rập khuôn

=> To be



Nhiều bùn và trơn trượt




Một lớp tuyết mới

=> A

of fresh snow


Thanh bình

=> To be



Chứng nghiện rượu



Exercise 2:

1 I told myself that if I kept

like this I would soon suffer from a mental breakdown.


2 The spinning top produced fascinating sounds as it



3 I had got to stopped eating for a moment since the ice cream



4 He uses a special scale and an app to

the amount of calories he consumes daily.


5 When they were about to kiss, his cellphone suddenly rang and completely


6 Modern drama usually

depression and make young people want to have depression.


7 He is not behaving normally since he



8 I hate it when my phone

within just a short time of usage.


9 She is so sleepy she feels like she is

the lesson.

💡 Gợi ý

keep track of

was mind-numbingly cold

has strong liquor in his veins


ruined their moment

being overwhelmed with work


radiates extreme heat

drifting through

Cùng luyện các đề bài trong speaking part 2.

💡 Lời kết

Sau Sample vừa rồi, DOL mong các bạn không chỉ nắm được cách trả lời cho câu hỏi Describe a kind of weather you like trong Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Objects, mà còn học được một vài từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc hay để có thể sử dụng sau này khi đi thi IELTS hoặc ngay cả khi giao tiếp ngoài đời nhé! DOL chúc các bạn học tốt

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