Describe a polite person you know - topic Politeness

IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Politeness (chủ đề lịch sự): Describe a polite person you know.

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Insert Statement here...
A person who has great manners that I know is a kid that I tutored.
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Topic Sentence
General description
Idea 1
Name: Martin
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Idea 2
Studied with me around 5 years ago
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Idea 3
Until now, even though I no longer tutor him, we still talk a lot
    viết, hoặc bấm enter để thêm bullet point
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence
Physical appearance
Idea 1
Age: he’s 17 this year, but he’s as tall as professional basketball players
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Idea 2
Face: he has a whole mustache, which makes him look like a grown man
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Idea 3
Style: contrary to his brute appearance, he talks very softly; his personality is also quite timid and reserved
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence
Idea 1
He is so respectful to those around him => always uses honorifics when talking to others
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Idea 2
Thoughtful: whenever the trashman comes by => always walk to the truck and lightly throw the bags in to make sure it doesn’t break and spill
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
He has such a good heart
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Idea 2
I really hope the ways of the world don't taint him like it does to many people
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📝 Bài mẫu

Cùng xem thử cách triển khai bài nói IELTS Speaking part 2 sample khi gặp chủ đề Describe a polite person you know nhé!

A person who has great

that I know is a kid that I
. His name is Martin.

He studied with me around 5 years ago, when his mom hired me to help prepare him for secondary school. And until now, even though I no longer tutor him, we still talk a lot, mostly about his preparations for college.

To tell you more about him, he’s a very unique individual. If I’m not wrong, I think he’s 17 this year, but he’s as tall as professional basketball players. Back when I tutored him, we were around the same height, but after not meeting for a while, he’s now towering over me. And since he’s living with just his mom, I think she doesn’t teach him how to shave, so he has a whole

, which makes him look like a grown man. But contrary to his
brute appearance
, he talks very softly, and in fact he
a lot, not to mention his personality is also quite
timid and reserved
. I usually joke around and call him Forrest, since “Forrest Gump” is his favorite movie and he’s somewhat similar to the main character of that movie. 

One thing I really like about him is that he is so

to those around him. To be more specific, he always uses
when talking to those around him, no matter if they are younger or older than him, and even to animals he spots on the street. In fact, he even addresses my two cats as “Mr Cat” and “Mrs Cat”, which I find very
. Martin is also very
. Whenever the trashman comes by, he would never just stand inside the house and toss the trash bags into the garbage truck like most people, and always walk to the truck and lightly throw the bags in to make sure it doesn’t
break and spill

All in all, I think he has such a good heart, and watching him preparing to be a young adult, I really hope

the ways of the world
don't taint him like it does to many people.

(353 words)

📚 Vocabulary

to prepare somebody for something
/tuː prɪˈpeə ˈsʌmbədi fɔː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). Chuẩn bị ai đó cho một điều gì đó
to tower over somebody
/tuː ˈtaʊər ˈəʊvə ˈsʌmbədi/
(adj). cao kều che qua đầu ai đó
contrary to something
/ˈkɒntrəri tuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(adj). ngược lại với một thứ gì đó
to joke around
/tuː ʤəʊk əˈraʊnd/
(verb). giỡn, chọc ai đó
to be similar to somebody
/tuː biː ˈsɪmɪlə tuː ˈsʌmbədi/
(adj). giống với ai đó
to address somebody as/by something
/tuː əˈdrɛs ˈsʌmbədi æz by ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). gọi ai đó bằng tên hoặc nhân xưng nào đó
to toss something somewhere
/tuː tɒs ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈsʌmweə/
(verb). vứt cái gì đó đi đâu đó
to have a good heart
/tuː hæv ə gʊd hɑːt/
(adj). có nhân cách tốt
to taint somebody
/tuː teɪnt ˈsʌmbədi ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). làm bại hoại một người/một thứ gì đó

✨ Bài tập Exercise

Mình cùng làm 2 bài tập sau đây để ôn lại các từ vựng và cấu trúc đã được dùng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking đề Describe a polite person you know nhé!

Exercise 1:

1 I have to help my mom

every morning



their cold looks, cats are actually very affectionate


3 I find it quite annoying when he keeps

, even in situations where seriousness is needed.


4 She's quite

her brother, who is extremely humorous and outgoing.


5 The teacher told the students to

his name instead of "sir".


6 She's an organized person. She always returns items to their previous positions instead of

like I do.


7 Quyền Linh

. He did charity during the pandemic at the expense of his own health.


8 His reputation was permanently

by the financial scandal.

💡 Gợi ý

similar to

prepare my younger brother for school

address him by

Contrary to

joking around

has a good heart

tossing things around


Exercise 2:

Điền các từ/cụm từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống


Tác phong -->



Ria mép -->



Ngoại hình dữ dằn -->



Nói lắp -->



Rụt rè và dè dặt -->



Kính ngữ -->



Đáng mến -->



Chu đáo -->


Tổng hợp câu hỏi chủ đề nói part 2 kèm câu trả lời chất lượng.

💡 Lời kết

Sau Sample vừa rồi, DOL mong các bạn không chỉ nắm được cách trả lời cho câu hỏi Describe a polite person you know trong Speaking Part 2 chủ đề People, mà còn học được một vài từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc hay để có thể sử dụng sau này khi đi thi IELTS hoặc ngay cả khi giao tiếp ngoài đời nhé! DOL chúc các bạn học tốt smiley23

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