Describe a skill that you can teach other people - topic Skill

IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic Skill (chủ đề Kỹ năng): Describe a skill that you can teach other people.

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Insert Statement here...
A skill that I think I'm good enough to teach people would be basic cooking skills. Not the Masterchef advanced kinda cooking, but emphasize on the “basic” part.
Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence
How you learnt it?
Idea 1
It all started when my mom taught me my first knife moves when I was 7 or 8
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Idea 2
After that, I started watching more cooking shows on TV and learned more techniques
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Idea 3
By the time I was in high school, I could already follow recipes by myself
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Body paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence
How do you feel about this skill? & How can you teach others this skill?
Idea 1
Anyone with a little patience and willingness to practice can pick it up in no time
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Idea 2
You should break essential cooking skills down to 3 main things: knife techniques, working with heat, and seasoning
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Idea 3
There is no need to chop with the speed of light like the chefs on TV
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Idea 4
With heat, it is okay to be afraid of it, but try to build your resistance up slowly
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Idea 5
And with seasoning, remember to just sprinkle them in little by little, and taste it as you go
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Insert Paragraph Title Here...
Topic Sentence

Idea 1
It is extremely important to know basic cooking skills because eating is a vital thing
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Idea 2
If you are content with leaving your survival in the hands of food delivery apps, then what would happen if one day you end up alone and those apps aren't available?
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📝 Bài mẫu

Cùng xem thử bài mẫu IELTS Speaking đề bài Describe a skill that you can teach other people nhé!

A skill that I think I'm good enough to teach people would be basic cooking skills. Not the Masterchef advanced kinda cooking, but emphasize on the “basic” part.

I actually really love cooking. It all started when my mom taught me my first

knife moves
when I was 7 or 8 in order to help her cut fruits and other desserts. When she noticed that I picked it up really quickly, she started teaching me more simple stuff like how to properly fry an egg, how to boil veggies, how to make a basic
meat stew
, etc. After that, I started watching more cooking shows on TV and learned more techniques. Then, by the time I was in high school, I could already follow recipes by myself and make more complicated dishes, both traditional and foreign.

I think I could teach “basic” cooking skills because I consider it to be just a

of basic
motor skills
a keen eye
. Anyone with a little patience and willingness to practice can pick it up in no time. It really isn’t
rocket science
. My immediate tip for you is that you should break essential cooking skills down to 3 main things: knife techniques, working with
, and
. With knives, I’d say that you should start slow, cuz if you are only cooking for yourself, there is no need to chop with
the speed of light
like the chefs on TV, and always pay attention to where
the pointy end
the sharp edge
is. With heat, it is okay to be afraid of it, but try to build your resistance up slowly, and a
thick oven mitt
can always come in handy when dealing with heat. And with seasoning, remember to just sprinkle them in
little by little
, and
taste it as you go
. You absolutely would not want to follow the recipe blindly and end up with the Dead Sea in your pot.

I think it is extremely important to know basic cooking skills because eating is a vital thing, and if you are content with leaving your survival in the hands of food delivery apps, then what would happen if one day you end up alone and those apps aren't available? Of course who knows if it would ever happen, but that’s some

food for thoughts

(388 words)

📚 Vocabulary

to emphasize on something
/tu ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz ɑn ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). nhấn mạnh vào điều gì đó
to pick up something
/tu pɪk ʌp ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). bắt đầu học được một điều gì đó
to follow recipes
/tu ˈfɑloʊ ˈrɛsəpiz/
(verb). bám theo công thức
to break something down
/tu breɪk ˈsʌmθɪŋ daʊn/
(verb). chia nhỏ một cái gì đó ra
to build one's resistance up
/tu bɪld wʌnz rɪˈzɪstəns ʌp/
(verb). xây dựng dần lên sức chống chịu
to come in handy
/tu kʌm ɪn ˈhændi/
(adj). tiện, có ích
to sprinkle something in something
/tu ˈsprɪŋkəl ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). rắc một thứ gì đó vào đâu đó
to follow something blindly
/tu ˈfɑloʊ ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈblaɪndli/
(verb). tuân theo điều gì đó một cách mù quáng
to end up with something
/tu ɛnd ʌp wɪð ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). kết thúc với một cái gì đó
to be content with something
/tu bi ˈkɑntɛnt wɪð ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(adj). hài lòng với một cái gì đó
to leave something in the hands of somebody/something
/tu liv ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ðə hændz ʌv ˈsʌmˌbɑdi ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
(verb). phó mặc việc gì đó vào tay ai đó

✨ Bài tập Exercise

Mình cùng làm 3 bài tập sau đây để ôn lại các từ vựng và cấu trúc đã được dùng trong bài Sample Speaking IELTS Part 2 chủ đề Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people nhé!

Exercise 1:

1 Cô ấy đã nhấn mạnh về những hiểm nguy của việc không đeo khẩu trang

=> She

the danger of not wearing a mask.


2 Anh ấy đã bắt đầu học được việc đan len trong xuyên suốt mùa hè.

=> He

knitting over the summer.


3 Cô ta không bám theo công thức đàng hoàng được do mạng cứ bị chập chờn

=> She couldn't

properly since the internet keeps lagging.


4 Họ đã phải chia nhỏ dự án lớn ra thành từng công việc nhỏ

=> They had to

to smaller tasks.


5 Bài tập kéo xà đã được thiết kế để giúp bạn nâng sức chống chịu của bản thân lên.

=> Pull-ups were designed to help you



6 Nến rất có ích khi có cúp điện

=> Candles really

during a power outage


7 Anh ta tuân theo những chỉ dẫn của mẹ một cách mù quáng.

=> He follows his mom's directions



8 Bọn họ bật lò lên nóng quá và kết cục là có một con gà cháy rụi.

=> They turned the oven up too high and

a completely burnt chicken.

💡 Gợi ý

follow the recipe

emphasized on


picked up

build your resistance up

break the big project down

come in handy

ended up with

Exercise 2:

QUIZ 1/6

She asked for a remark because she was not content ____ the result.


0% chọn


0% chọn


0% chọn

Phó mặc việc gì đó vào tay ai đó

=> To leave something ____ the hands of somebody/something

What does 'to season' mean?

What does 'rocket science' refer to?

What does 'food for thoughts' mean?

What does 'taste it as you go' mean?

Exercise 3:

Điền các từ/cụm từ phù hợp vào chỗ trống


Các đường dao

=> Knife



Thịt hầm

=> Meat



Khả năng vận động




Khả năng quan sát kĩ

=> A



Đầu nhọn

=> A



Lưỡi dao bén

=> The sharp



Găng tay chống nóng dày

=> Thick


Gợi ý trả lời các chủ đề trong bài thi IELTS speaking part 2.

💡 Lời kết

Sau Sample vừa rồi, DOL mong các bạn không chỉ nắm được cách trả lời cho câu hỏi Describe a skill that you can teach other people trong Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Objects, mà còn học được một vài từ vựng cũng như cấu trúc hay để có thể sử dụng sau này khi đi thi IELTS hoặc ngay cả khi giao tiếp ngoài đời nhé! DOL chúc các bạn học tốt smiley18

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